

Friday, June 5, 2015

3-2-1 Ted Talk

In the Ted talk, by "Tony Fadell: The first secret of design is ... noticing" the speaker was on the topic of design and technology as well as everyday life. The first example he touched upon,was the stickers placed on fruit. These sticky items make it easier to check out of grocery stores, but also pose a problem of removing the sticker before consumption. Another example Facell talked about was driving and how at first every single detail was noticeable but then as it became second nature humans habituated. Fadell also talked about comedians how they make jokes but remembering the little things that happen daily that we forget. Things like not being able to set the shower temperature but we habituate those details that is funny when we hear them back.

A piece of technology I remember having that was not planned out well was a children's video game system. It required so many extra parts and functions that it was never fun for a kid to use. Another product that wasn’t planned well was a type of invisible ink that came in the bottle as a blue color, so when the ink dried it wasn’t very visible because there was an obvious stain on the paper.

I see design planned well for a product when multiple prototypes are made and tested by real consumers. When the feedback and suggestions are taken, I feel as if the design is planned out well.

1 comment:

  1. Abby I really like how you explained your examples. I also agree that the children game systems were not good when we were younger and that they could have been improved. Great blog post
